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Astrology & Numerology Charts 

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What you’ll need

Your Birth Data, which includes your birth day, year, time, and place. If you don’t know your time of birth, you can still determine most  basic positions.

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Astrology Map
Astonomical Clock
Solar System

Astrology Explained

It falls more in the category of metaphysics, the study of that which is beyond the physical. It's similar to other fields that are founded on ancient theories of energy patterns, like Feng shui, acupuncture, and yoga. Astrology at high levels is a mastery of its particular science and the intuitive arts. As the earliest known ordering of existence, long before recorded history, it's been called the "Mother of all Sciences."


Astrology's premise is that the planetary movements influence the Moments in Time. Since we're part of the story of the Universe, our moment of birth recorded on the celestial clock is meaningful. The planets continue to move, engaging with the fixed in time energies of our birth chart.


Students today can draw on the myths, symbolic associations and wisdom of past astrologers to come up with their own intuitive language. There are the long cycles of outer planets that show generational trends, and shorter ones, like the Sun's annual journey through the Zodiac.


Astrology is an incredible tool of self-discovery, no matter how far you decide to take it. At first, the pieces of the puzzle may not seem to fit. But if you stick with it, at a certain point it "clicks" and the orchestrations of the cosmic dance make sense.


If life seems like a series of meaningless events, astrology can be a comforting sign that perhaps things happen for a reason.


It can shine a light on inner contradictions and natural strengths. As a map of the psyche, the birth chart is a guide to self-understanding that never stops revealing new layers of insight.



Astrology can be baffling at first because it involves a different kind of wisdom. There are three parts to any birth chart - planet, sign, and house. There's a blending that happens in astrology that involves those three. As you learn more, your understanding deepens. You get a sense of what life lessons the Aries Sun in the 10th House holds for you.

After learning about the planets, signs, and houses, it's time to look at aspects. This is the relationship between the players in your birth chart. Do they square each other? Or, are they in harmony with trines and sextiles.



It's said that there's truth in stereotypes, and that's where they come from in the first place. The essence of each sign's energy has built up a reputation. Gemini is chatty, gossipy, a bright wit. Scorpio is sultry, intense. Virgo is a purist, a neat-freak, and so on. Hold those stereotypes loosely as you make your own observations.

The Sun sign is the essence of the basic nature in the broadest possible strokes.

The rest of the chart fills in the details. Hold the Sun sign in your mind, as you go on to learn about the Moon. What kind of Cancer am I? The rest of your chart tells the story.



Astrology provides cosmic clues as to why you're attracted to, repelled by or indifferent to those you meet. It helps you take personality clashes less to heart, but also show potential red flags to watch out for. Some connections are sparked by friction, and astrology helps you take the long view, and see them as challenges that cause you both to grow.


Numerology Explained

According to numerologists, everything in the world is dependent upon the mystical properties of numbers. These properties come from the numbers' inherent vibration. As the theory goes, each number has a unique vibration, giving it certain properties. These properties can shed light onto a person's behaviour or predict whether romantic partners are compatible. Numerological analysis can determine a person's lucky number or lucky day. Recurring numbers can offer clues into how the world works or the significance of people and events. According to many numerologists, nothing happens by accident -- everything happens because of numbers.


Most numerologists credit Pythagoras with founding the field of numerology. Pythagoras was a philosopher who was born in Greece around 569 B.C. Historians don't know much about Pythagoras, since little of his original work survives and most of the people who wrote about him did so hundreds of years after his death

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