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Past Life & Life Between Life (LBL) Regression Therapy

When conventional therapy doesn’t work, there may be one simple reason. The therapist is looking for the trauma or problematic event (that caused the psychological issues) in the wrong place--or should I say time. Almost every type of therapy assumes that traumas and important events from an individual’s past influence the present.


PLRT assumes that as well, the only difference is that the unconscious mind goes beyond this lifetime. It carries forth the events and repercussions from events that go beyond early childhood, prenatal and birth periods right into past existences. You can see how it can be difficult to find the triggers if you don’t search back far enough. PLRT finds the root causes and therefore heals more deeply and quickly than traditional therapies.

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When Past-Life Therapy Can Help


The release of old energetic blocks generates a flow of wonderful mental and emotional clarity, revealing the life lessons needed to achieve happiness in this lifetime while advancing the course of future lifetimes. Some of the more significant areas in which past-life therapy has traditionally been used are:


  • Troubling behaviour and attitude patterns that have persisted over time, despite attempts to change

  • Relationship dynamics that seem to have a life of their own (intense attraction/aversion to another person, deep-seated issues that defy resolution)

  • Phobias – intense fears, such as fear of heights or fear of water, that seem unconnected to an experience in the current life

  • Some chronic physical ailments, sensations and pains

  • Dominant attitudes or emotions that seem to persist throughout your life

  • Ingrained beliefs such as: “Leave me alone”, “No one understands me”, “Life isn’t fair”, “I have to do it alone”


There are other exciting ways in which past-life therapy is being applied. We focus on the positive, rather than going after traumatic or troubling memories. PLRT is used to enhance one’s life by allowing individuals to ‘own,’ reclaim or rediscover gifts, abilities and talents from past lives; and to carry forward wonderful emotions for both healing and growth. It Helps in Rewarding Areas as Well!


  • Accessing strengths and accomplishments from prior lifetimes can be brought forward to increase confidence and effectiveness in the present.

  • Re-experiencing a happy, successful lifetime; can bring a sense of balance and peace when undergoing difficult times, fortifying us to work through our temporary difficulties

  • Clarifying direction and life purpose by viewing one’s ‘blueprint’ for this lifetime

  • Finding prior lifetimes shared with current loved ones brings a great sense of reassurance that we are indeed never parted from those we love

  • Accessing the wisdom, peace and guidance that is available from the spiritual realms between lifetimes where our higher mind and/or guiding ones can assess our progress and give direction to us for our current lifetime

  • Strengthening the clarity of the spiritual nature of our existence.


When you think about it, it’s freeing. Past life regression can bring you peace as it shines a light on the complicated tapestry of your total existence and your purpose as an evolving soul. Life makes a lot more sense when you have a deeper understanding of the bigger picture.


LBL (Life Between Life)


Past Life Regression hypnosis is a stand-alone therapy in its own right and all TNI Life Between Lives facilitators are qualified and experienced in this methodology before they can take TNI’s LBL training. Past Life Regression (PLR) is not LBL therapy and LBL is not PLR. But a Past Life session is the gateway to the LBL process and it is the first in a two-step process by which clients can experience LBL.


Past Life Regression forms a key part of the LBL process on the spiritual journey to Soul Home. LBL clients travel step by step from early memories in this life through experiences gained in past lives and, ultimately, into an exploration of the inter-life; the spiritual realm that we can call Soul Home.


So Past Life Regression is very much a part of LBL. But the ability to regress clients to past lives using hypnosis is also a stand-alone process that requires skilful training and practice. As well as offering access to current life memories, the subconscious mind stands at the gateway to the superconscious; and to its potential to interact with the spiritual realm. Residing within this powerhouse is every memory your soul has experienced in its quest to learn, develop and grow.


Past Life Regression offers the opportunity to explore agreements, contracts and relationships made with other souls in previous individual existences and can uncover the roots of habitual behaviours. Life Between Lives spiritual integration then brings all these experiences together in an enlightened overview of who you are as the sum total of all your previous lives – and of your essence as a soul.


Should I experience Past Life Regression prior to my LBL session?

Yes, it is recommended. You will be guided to experience a relatively brief past life as part of the LBL session itself; but an earlier, separate Past Life Regression will familiarise you with the concept of travelling back in time, to earlier memories and your soul’s experiences in former lives.


Everyone is worthy of a deep, powerful and profound Life Between Lives session.  A prior Past Life Regression session can enable the LBL experience to be all it can be; to confirm that the superconscious can be opened and that you can travel beyond your current incarnation.


It will help you and your LBL practitioner uncover patterns you then wish to explore during the LBL itself.


Is Past Life Regression an integral part of the LBL process?

Yes, because the journey to awaken an understanding of your immortal identity begins with experiencing who you have been before in relation to who you are now. Just as we grow and develop via our current life experiences, so the soul grows and develops with each incarnation.  The journey to the inter-life is one with which your soul is familiar, and the end of each life heralds a new beginning as the next chapter of your soul’s story unfolds. 



Past Life Regression £65.00

LBL 1.5 hours £95.00



All by appointment, face-to-face in Nantwich or remotely by telephone.  This can be done via WhatsApp you must be comfortable and have earphones. 

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ACase Study

When healing occurs..........

Everything you’ve seen, felt and experienced in this life…as well as all the memories of your previous existences are housed in your subconscious…and then brought to light in your current consciousness during this process. Even if You’ve Forgotten, Your Body Remembers.


One of my past life therapy clients was a 68-year-old man suffering from chronic pain in his left leg. This pain in his leg had been troubling him for years.


In our work together, he visited a past life in which he was a German soldier injured during the Franco-Prussian war. In an attempt to save his life, they cut off his leg, but he died shortly afterwards in excruciating pain. That experience imprinted itself on his unconscious and manifested itself as a troubling pain in his leg in his current life. There was no organic origin for the pain in this lifetime.


That leg pain began mysteriously in his late 20s. During his regression therapy session, he realised he was about the same age when injured in his past life. This often happens. An issue carried forward from a past life may not surface until the age of impact in the past life.


With that past life memory in his consciousness, he was able to recognise that the pain and the event were in the past and had nothing to do with his current life.


Almost miraculously, the pain that had bothered him most of his adult life was 90% gone. There is a good likelihood that there is another lifetime in which his leg was injured. If he continued to do PLRT work and uncovered that lifetime, there’s a good chance he could be rid of the remaining 10%.

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